Thursday, January 13, 2011


1. My neurobiology class this past semester as well as my two neuroscience seminars have been extremely helpful in allowing me to understand important topics in neuroscience. This was evidenced in our journal club today, when we read about GIRK channels and the agonists that block them, such as morphine.

2. Today I perfused a rat. After the rat was under anesthesia (ketamine), I learned how to open up the body of the rat and inject formalin into its heart to actually "fix" the brain while it is still alive. While I am not entirely sure about all the reasoning for this, I do know that it is important to fix the brain while it is still alive to be able to get good histologic samples.

3. Another thing I learned about today, from talking to another neuroscience researcher in the department, was the development of eyesight and the way in which humans, cats, and monkeys learn to develop and discriminate colors. You can read more about it here

More tomorrow.

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