Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Slow day

Today has been a fairly slow day. I suppose it fits with the weather here in Charleston, which is gray and overcast. After arriving at work this morning, I watched a few rat surgeries (putting in cathedars and cannulas). [I want to add a note that the photos that you have seen of the rats on the blog have not been my own pictures. Those are ones from Google, and I simply use them to try to illustrate my point a little bit.]

Next stop: at 1:00 I had to go to employee health to get my TB test and sign a bunch of paperwork. Following that, I ate lunch, then walked back to the lab. Now that I am back, I am writing my blog post for today while my mentor, Kate, is doing some computer paperwork. I think later on today we are developing a Western blot. After I learn a little bit more about Western blots, besides the fact that they are specific for proteins (instead of DNA or RNA), I will write a post about that.

Overall, there is not as much going on today as there is on most days, so I hope you will forgive my short post.

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