Monday, January 10, 2011

Day One

Well Dr. Pittman, and anyone else out there who happens to be reading this blog, today was my first day at work in the neuroscience lab. Since I haven't asked permission to used anyone's names in this blog, I'm going to refrain from doing so at this point. After seeing a rainy, cold mess this morning, I walked over to the MUSC Basic Sciences building to meet up with a post-doc fellow who is doing research in the lab where I am working. She was really nice, and told me more about the work that is being done in the lab. I got a tour of the lab, and got a run down on what the plan was for the rest of the day. I saw rats that had already received cannulas via surgery, and watched as their catheters were cleaned out to prevent infection and clogging. I also saw where the rats were kept when not in use during a given experiment, and saw operant boxes, where the rats spend time self-administering. Because I am still waiting to hear about my TB test, I was not allowed to do a lot of work, but I was able to help throw away rat food, give new rat food, and similar tasks. Overall, today was a good starting point, and I'm sure that as I learn more about the lab I will have a better idea of what I am going to be doing on a daily basis. More tomorrow!

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