Friday, January 21, 2011

Presentation and Paper

Right now almost everyone that works in the lab is on a tour a new building that could become their home. However, because this site is still under construction, and only 10 people are allowed to go at once, I had to stay here. But that's fine because I can write my post for today.

I need to get started on my presentation and paper for the end of interim. Okay, well I have started on the presentation part of it, and plan on using some of the things I have talked about in my blog in my paper, so I have that going for me. I think what I really need to do, however, is to write a good outline to organize all the points I am going to talk about. I know I'm going to sound like that annoying high school teacher when I say this, but I truly have found that if I write a good outline, a paper will practically write itself. That being said, I hope to start on it this afternoon, unless Kate has some sort of thing she wants me to do. 

On another note, I can't believe that it is Friday and the end of my second week! It's beautiful weather in Charleston today, so maybe I will go on a run this weekend. Well, that's the plan if I can get enough motivation to do it.  Last weekend it was far too cold. Maybe I will even run on the bridge and re-live some Cooper River Bridge Run memories....But that's pretty unlikely, let's be honest. Enjoy your weekend!

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